Asoka World School is yet another educational institution dedicated to building a true global citizen for the world. The core identity that builds in Ashok school, it creates a favourable environment that stimulates learning experience through technologically enhanced classrooms for students. The purpose is to make a forward-thinking speciality school with an advanced CBSE NCERT curriculum, where the students will achieve success in life and act as role models for others.

The international platform implementing this model in the school between instructors and students effectively uses technology. Curriculum transactions supported by technology from PRESCHOOL to CLASS XII to ensure higher curricular outcomes. The ideal teacher-student ratio is 1:20. The uniquely designed ability and mental skills make the students and instructors learn to acquire knowledge and their academic potential. Students Learning objectives are varied, and their progress is recorded. The school is a diverse community engagement programme that highlights students from the community who have made significant contributions in various fields and shows it as the best among other schools.

Drop Everything and Read and BIG WRITE are two innovative school reading and creative writing programmes that help learners to become fluent in their languages. To promote a healthy lifestyle for children, the school banned junk foods. The student council performed food inspections during each of the three breaks. Teachers will offer students with mental maths activities and interactive games daily. The education that Asoka school provides to the children should not be focused on current reality, but rather on the future. The children must be taught for the future instead of the present.

The admission procedures for the school are determined by online submission. Asoka s Admissions Team will review your application and all relevant documentation when you have successfully submitted the Part A online application form and all related documents. If there is a mismatch in the papers, the admission team will contact you through phone or email to notify you about the incomplete details. The admission consultants will arrange a school visit when you process a request. During the school visit, both parents and the kid considering admission will join in an interactive session. After that, there will be an interview with the school counsellor, with an academic aptitude assessment will be conducted. Payment of fees, submission of Part B of the application form secure the seat once it is successfully submitted. Students should keep some documents of birth certificates copy, passport size photos must carry a family photo and medical reports.

Asoka World School was designed and has become a reality. Today, this is the School of the Future.

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