The Pandemic that is ravaging the globe has resulted in many quarantine and social isolation measures that will continue for the foreseeable future. The studies, lives and moreover mental health of those young learners currently in school will be impacted in multiple ways, some yet to be understood. Although stringent social distancing measures are adhered to, this may be causing indelible scars on young minds, pushing them into depression and loneliness, according to experts.
Children will be primarily challenged by the absence of structure or anomalies of routines.Daily structure is important to everyone, particularly children. We often see a spike in behavioural problems when their routine or structure is disturbed. The consistency of routines and time schedules, rules and consequences and setting of clear expectations teach children how to behave and exercise impulse control and self discipline.
The family s resources and unique dynamics are pivotal in providing the much needed support and structure for children at home. Educating parents the importance of daily structure is a priority as children learn from watching adults in how they implement structure and deal with their own emotions. Parents are likely to experience significant stress during this time which in turn puts the mental health of the entire family at risk. Closing of businesses and job losses can be a blow to individuals self esteem and fundamental purpose in life.
Children who are most vulnerable therefore need more care and attention. Most of these children do not have strong support systems. The uncertainty and stress caused by COVID-19 may increase their sense of insecurity and cause significant mental health challenges if unchecked in a timely manner. Let s share the positive stories of our brave health workers and scientists across the world who are working beyond the call of duty, to contain the pandemic and keep the community safe. Nothing more can comfort our children than knowing that compassionate people are acting empathetically in times of emergency.
Childhood is the most crucial developmental period in any human s life, which marks the foundation of emotional resilience capacity and the personality of any person. In this difficult time, let s all commit to work for the emotional wellbeing of those who deserve the most protection: our children!