A parent is the first teacher of a child. With the involvement of parents and family, children do better and have better feelings about going to school. Indeed, studies reiterate that engagement and activities of the family have a greater influence on a child’s success in school than the family income or parents’ education.  

Indeed, numerous studies reveal that the activities and engagement of a family with their children have a more significant impact on a child’s success in school than the family’s income or the parents’ level of education.

Parents can adopt various methods to support their child’s learning at home and school. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Develop A Partnership With Your Child’s Elementary School Teachers And School Staff

Meet Your Child’s Teacher.

Once the academic year begins, make it a point to meet your child’s teacher. Let the teacher know that you are there to support your child’s learning. Further, inform the teacher that if any issue arises with your child, the teacher can immediately contact you. Thus, forging a positive and healthy relationship with your child’s teacher is crucial in your child’s education.

Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences And Keep In Touch With Your Child’s Teacher.

Schools usually have one or two parent-teacher conferences every year. If you encounter any challenges with the primary language of the school, you can ask the school for an interpreter.  You can also ask to meet with your child’s teacher any time during the year. However, if you face any inconvenience in meeting in person, consider scheduling a call with the teacher or sending a brief explaining your situation. 

Support Your Child Academically in Elementary School

Find Out How Your Child Is Doing.

 You can have a conversation with the teacher regarding your child’s performance in the class. If you notice that your child is lagging in any area, particularly in reading, then discuss the remedial measures that you and the school can adopt. It is crucial to act proactively to save your child from falling behind. Similarly, make sure that you review the report card thoroughly.

Apply For Special Services If Your Child Needs It.

If your child faces issues with learning, you should request the school to assess your child in her primary language. The teacher can arrange classroom accommodation for the child’s support. Moreover, if the school determines that your child has a learning disability, she will get the additional support at no expense.

Make Sure That the Homework Is Done.

Make your child understand the importance of education. You can help your child with the homework. Encourage her to do the daily homework. Further, remove distractions like the television and phone calls. Similarly, designate a dedicated study area and create a homework schedule.

Help Your Child Prepare For Tests.

Tests play a pivotal role in evaluating the student’s grade. There might be multiple tests during the academic year. The teacher may allocate class time to prepare for the standardized tests throughout the year. As a parent, you have myriad options to help your child both before and after the tests. Additionally, you can support your child’s daily learning and equip her for the exam in advance.

Get Involved With Your Child’s Elementary School

Learn What The School Offers.

Make it a point to read the information the school sends and, if needed, request it in your native language. Establish communication with other parents to explore the various avenues the school offers. For instance, there may be music programs, sports activities, after-school programs, and various other programs your child has a passion for. It is good to stay updated about all these programs. 

Volunteer At Your Child’s School And/or Join Your School‘s Parent-Teacher Group.

Teachers welcome parental involvement in the school activities. As a parent, there are various ways to contribute to your child’s school. For instance, you can volunteer in the classrooms, or perhaps cook food for any school function. Similarly, actively participate in PTA as it helps you to connect with other parents and collaborate to enhance the school environment.

Get Informed And Be An Advocate For Your Child

Ask Questions.

When you have concerns about your child’s learning or behavior, communicate them with the school and gain insights and advice. Your questions can be like these � What specific problem is my child having with reading? What can I do to help my child with this problem? How can I save my child from bullying? How can I motivate my child to do her homework properly? Which reading group is my child in?

Let The School Know Your Concerns.

Is your child doing well in school? Is he or she experiencing challenges in learning, behaving, or studying? Are there any problems involving another student, teacher, or administrator?

Support Your Child’s Learning At Home

Showcase A Positive Outlook on Education To Your Children.

What we say and do in our daily lives can help them develop positive attitudes toward school and learning and build confidence in themselves as learners. Make our children understand that we both value education and apply it in our daily lives. It sets a powerful model and contributes significantly towards their academic excellence.

Monitor Your Child’s Television, Video Game, And Internet Use.

On average, Indian children spend a significant amount of time watching  TV, playing video games, and using the Internet at the cost of homework or other school-related activities.

Encourage Your Child To Read.

Cultivating the habit of reading in your child can contribute significantly to your child’s success in academics and personal life. You cannot overlook the power of reading. Reading helps children in all school subjects. Moreover, it opens an eternal door to lifelong learning.

Talk With Your Child.

Talking and listening are important components that determine your child’s achievements. It’s through engaging in communication with family, that kids pick up the language skills they need for their future. For example, children who don’t hear a lot of conversations and who aren’t encouraged to talk themselves often have problems learning to read, which can lead to other school problems.

Encourage Your Child To Use The Library.

Libraries are where learning and discoveries happen. Guiding your child towards libraries will equip her to be an independent learner. Moreover, libraries provide quiet places for students to study and are open even in the evening hours.

Encourage Your Child To Be Responsible And Work Independently.

Shouldering responsibilities and working independently are pivotal for academic success. You can nurture these qualities in your child by establishing justiciable rules that you encourage them to follow consistently. Similarly, make it clear to your child that she has to take responsibility for her deeds at home and school. Further, teach your child how to break down a task into small parts. Additionally, monitor your child’s evening and weekend activities. If you can’t be there at home when your child arrives, train her to talk to you over the phone regarding her plans.

Encourage Active Learning.

Children need to be trained in both active learning and quiet learning. Active learning encompasses asking and answering questions, finding solutions to problems, and exploring interests. Active learning also happens during sports, interactions with friends, acts in school plays, playing musical instruments, visiting museums and bookstores, etc. To foster active learning, pay attention to your child’s ideas and respond accordingly. Let her come up with questions and opinions while reading together. By encouraging these activities, your child’s participation and interest in school will also be improved.

Asoka World School, one of the best CBSE schools in Kochi, offers your child a unique experience. Our activity-based learning engages students in various activities. Our technology-integrated curriculum prepares your child to be tomorrow’s leaders.

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